


Alumina, the input material for smelters to produce aluminum metal.

LSA Developing Low Cost Alumina

We developed several product-development stretch goals dating back to 1998, 2003 and 2009 that have now become beneficial commercial products for our customers. So, we thought that we would mention a very ambitious project underway to develop a low-cost alumina; stay tuned, but for now, we are offering the following products:

Specialty Alloys

We have encountered many instances whereby a manufacturer is locked into one supplier (monopoly situation), and thus, has no leverage in negotiating price. In one notable example, a magnesium alloy producer was hostage to a single source supplier for nearly 50 years. LSA developed a qualification procedure with the alloy producer and teamed with a new supplier to develop an alternative material. After successfully meeting all the criteria, LSA began supplying new alloy variants in more optimum alloying levels. Our customers benefitted greatly by adding several hundred thousand dollars to their bottom line while reducing their dependence on their primary supplier.

Many similar projects are in progress, and we encourage you to consult with us to enhance your business objectives.


LSA can develop and deliver novel alloys in many forms.


Cryolite and DCAF can be supplied in many packaging options.

Cryolite Bath

Cryolite bath end-users include primary and secondary aluminum smelters and steel flux manufacturers. Leeds typically ships thousands of tons per year of cryolite bath and has developed an efficient network of suppliers and customers throughout the world. In addition to developing the logistics to source, package and ship cryolite bath, LSA innovates new processes to upgrade cryolite bath using novel sizing, separation and chemical reaction techniques.

Aluminum Fluoride (AlF3)

We have developed a proprietary process to reduce the cost of aluminum fluoride (AlF3) resulting in our DCAF product (Diffusion Converted Aluminum Fluoride). Primary aluminum smelters are the main beneficiary of this technology as AlF3 is utilized to reduce the melting point and increase the conductivity of the cryolite bath in the Hall-Heroult process whereby alumina is converted to aluminum via electrolysis.

DCAF is also utilized by secondary aluminum smelters as a component in sodium-free fluxes and to remove magnesium from scrap (“demagging”), thereby allowing the secondary aluminum smelters to produce aluminum alloys for the automotive industry that meet the specification for low magnesium aluminum alloys.


Typical AlF3


Fluxes play a key role in controlling impurities during melting.

Flux Additives

The word “flux” is derived from “fluxus”, a Latin word meaning flow. Flux formulations are typically comprised of complex salts that work as a multi-purpose chemical cleaning agent for molten metals; the primary functions include inhibiting oxidation, selective removal of impurities and minimization of entrapped gases.
While LSA has a proven track record of providing low cost sodium and fluoride compounds as flux input materials, we also have success with Ca, Si and other crucial materials utilized in flux formulations for steel, aluminum and magnesium.